Case Study: Latika Roy Foundation website integration with Salesforce

Latika Roy Foundation: – The Latika Roy Foundation is a voluntary organization in India working with children and adults who have developmental and other disabilities. As a resource center for people with special needs, they provide early intervention services, livelihood development, education, training, and awareness.

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Project Brief

In this project, CRM Services collaborated with a client to undertake a comprehensive data migration and automation initiative, transitioning their existing CRM system from Cosential to Salesforce. The primary objective was to facilitate a seamless migration of critical business data while implementing tailored automation solutions to optimize workflow efficiency and user productivity.

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Integration Requirements

The objective of this project is to integrate the client's website seamlessly with Salesforce CRM to enhance data synchronization, automate processes, and improve overall efficiency in lead management and customer interactions.

  • Integration of website with Salesforce for Accounts and Donations  
  • Scoring was needed for individual assessment.
  • Needed enhanced reporting.
  • Difficulty managing system as there are many objects involved having common field structure.

Solution Delivered provided the following solutions.

Streamlined Website-Salesforce Integration

Our team at CRM Services successfully delivered a robust solution that seamlessly integrated the client's website with Salesforce CRM, optimizing data flow and automating critical processes. Key aspects of the solution included:

  • Integrated LRF website with Salesforce so that all payments made are directly stored in Salesforce.
  • Using a global picklist to reduce redundancy. Streamlined data structure.
  • Fixed the existing formulas using cascading workflow rules.
  • Created new forms and reports for comparison.
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Value Delivered

Business Operations

Streamlined business operations with improved functionalities


Visual reporting

Automatic Payment

Automatic payment synchronization


Improved data visibility and accuracy

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